It’s always fun to have a laid-back photo shoot, especially for our first one of the year. Some times, photo jobs are a guilty pleasure: going on a date with Jenni without kids, sharing a hobby we love, and crafting pictures for our friends.
Happy Birthday Violet!
Who knew that one of our girls would have so much sass and spunk. We nickname her “Hollywood” because she does not shy from the spotlight, loves being on center stage, and is deliciously dramatic. For all the ferocity she has, her tenderness when she wants to be held is so cozy that I could snuggle with her for hours and not feel the time go by.
And she gives the best fist bumps. And thanks to her uncle Jack, she also can sneak past the fist bump for a snail.
Here is Violet’s 3rd year video, lovingly crafted by Jenni.
Happy Fourth of July!
I remember watching a friend show me Diablo 1 back in high school when it was released. I honestly didn’t get it and found the game boring. I knew that it was a major success from gaming publications, but I just didn’t get it.
Bruce’s Birth Story: Part 2
Since Bruce is turning 6 months old, it is time to finish his birth story! In part 1, I covered the events preceding labor up to when I was holding my baby in my arms in the tub, with the midwives wondering if I was going to see if I had a boy or a girl. Sure enough! That little kung fu fighting baby inside me turned out to be a Bruce Lee… er… Lim after all!
Five-Month Portraits
We’ve managed to take photos of our kids in laundry baskets when they are five-months old. Here’s the collage of all three.
For our anniversary, we visited the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. We had originally planned to stay overnight and visit the water park on the second day, but we were too tired from a long week and sought the comfort of our own bed. The museum was a fascinating look at the history of aviation and nothing beats seeing the size and wonder of the planes in person.
Happily Seven Years After
Seven years and three kids later, I’m more thankful than ever that I said, “I do” at the altar. For all my imagining and dreaming, I couldn’t have come up with the life I have now—it’s so much better.
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
Dear God,
Thank you for being a good God, for even when you allow strife in our lives, you use it for your good and perfect will for us. God, be our strength, for I am so weak. Guide us in your wisdom. Please have mercy on us and give us your healing power. We need your love to glue our family together when the stress of our circumstances can easily create a gaping hole. Give us your grace to be gracious with our children and each other when we are exhausted and depleted. Fill us with your life and let us serve you faithfully everyday.
Lord, let me be ever so thankful in my heart. Thank you for the gifts you’ve given me in my husband and children. Thank you for the precious time with them that you give to me. Help me not to take them for granted; especially my David. What an exceptional man you’ve given me! Wanting to marry me even though we didn’t know the future, or how much of a wife I could be to him as I was bedridden much of the time. How far we’ve come, and how much we’ve gone through in the past seven years… in the past several months! You’ve got our attention, Lord. We wait with expectant hearts as to what you will do, and what we will hopefully mature in.
Thank you, God, for giving much joy and happiness in our marriage these past seven years, and I pray for us to keep walking closer to you and to each other in whatever time you give us together on this earth.
In the name of Christ Jesus, I pray these things,
Amen, let it be done.
Date Night: Operation Hawkeye
For the record, I have awesome in-laws. They have been an amazing example of Christ-like love and service ever since I met them and I can’t thank them enough for all the things they do.
Their latest blessing? Giving us an impromptu date without kids last night.