Category: For the Family

Hill Family Life 2018
I am embracing the fact that I’m a historian. I’ve reached into past footage and decided to make a new series starting the year my first nephew was born. Although these videos contain birthday celebrations, these are not my typical birthday videos that focus mostly on the birthday kid.
Happy Mother’s Day

Grammy Elaine’s Eulogy
My Grandma’s Funeral

Po Po Wei Liu Huang
Grateful for Grandma

My Po Po passed peacefully at 8am, February 11, 2021. One day before Chinese New Year.

Mom said that she was even thoughtful about when to die. In Chinese superstition, you should not have a joyous family event the same year as death. By passing away on the day she did, my cousin can be married in the coming lunar year. Though I often shrug off superstitions, I appreciated that this highlighted just how thoughtful my grandma was.