Straight to True North

Happily Nineteen Years After

Straight to True North

Reflecting on 2023

As the year comes to a close, I looked back at the photos, videos, and blog posts we’ve shared to celebrate God’s provisions for our life.

Straight to True North

Happily Eighteen Years After

Something her’s, something mine, we celebrated our anniversary weekend by doing activities that we enjoy individually and together. As we cross eighteen years together, we have the mindset of growing in love towards each other so that we don’t drift apart.

Straight to True North

Happily Sixteen Years After

Like last year, we’re still navigating through a pandemic, but with the proper precautions, we were able to leave the kids with Cory and Arianne for one night, then Jenni’s parents for the following night. Thanks to their generosity, we were able to spend our anniversary alone to adventure, dream, and recharge.

Straight to True North

Happily Fifteen Years After

Our celebrations were small and simple this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve isolated at home to protect ourselves and others, so that meant we weren’t able to leave our kids with the grandparents. As disappointing as it was, we’ve had anniversaries in the past where we had to change plans last minute, and those experiences have taught us not to hold on too tight to expectations or else they become entitlements.

Straight to True North

Happily Fourteen Years After

Something old. Something new. Lemons and lemonade.

For our fourteenth anniversary, the lead up to it wasn’t magical at all. Jenni and I had been miscommunicating and being frustrated with each other. She was also depressed that she was ill and not sure if she’ll be able to enjoy our anniversary. And Bruce and Violet both had colds, which meant that we couldn’t join Jenni’s family for the family Easter gathering. My grandma was in recovery from sickness, and my mom stressed out about how to take care of her. There was just a rainy cloud over our household.

Straight to True North

Looking Back at 2018

Christmas always ends up hectic and busy. Between buying meaningful presents, coordinating family gatherings, and marching toward a major project deadline at work, I’m usually too tired to reflect on how much God has blessed us until all the festivities are over. 2018 was an amazing year as I compiled a list of highlights.

Straight to True North

Happily Thirteen Years After

We stayed closer to home to celebrate our anniversary and played tourist in our hometown. It was slightly embarrassing to admit to visitors that we hadn’t experienced some of Portland’s main attractions. I researched a few locations from travel websites and off we went without kids.

Straight to True North

Violet’s Baptism


Photo by Polly Hill

When we went to an informational session about baptism over a year ago for Kadie, Violet was disappointed that she wasn’t old enough to get baptized. She really wanted to get baptized. Now that she turned eight years old this summer, she seized her opportunity.

Straight to True North

Travis and Jenna


We’re so thrilled to have a new sister in the family. Travis and Jenna were married at the historic Deepwood Estate in Salem, Oregon. The weather was perfect and the lovely couple organized an intimate wedding for friends and family. We enjoyed their unique twists, such as a taco food cart, an area for field games, a piñata, and riding off on a tandem bicycle to their happily ever after.