Clearing the Cache

The Lunch Love Language

Jennilyn's packed lunchesBefore we got married, we both read “The Five Love Languages,” where it describes each person having specific ways they give and receive love. We both were strong in “Words of Affirmation” and “Quality Time.” But though the book primarily talks about each of us having a primariy and secondary language, I believe that speaking in all the love languages fills the “love tank” much more successfullly.

The other three love languages decribed in the book are gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. I highly recommend the book as it’ll give insights on how you might want to receive love, how you give love, and perhaps stating the obvious that the love language we speak isn’t the love language others understand.

On one particular day, I took careful notice of the lunch Jennilyn made for me. It was intricately put together and I thought I’d speak ‘Word of Affirmation’ for her ‘Act of Service.’ And here is the result.

Perfectly packed lunch

There is so much to thank and love Jennilyn for—but each day I go to work with my lunch prepared for me, I’m ever more grateful to God for Jennilyn’s love to me.