It is exciting to look back at the progress we’ve made on our Marvel United miniatures since the third season arrived. Our collection includes over 130 characters and we’ve painted 42 (30%) to date and painted 18 since last fall.
My focus was on the Defenders. Marvel surprised me with their Netflix series of Daredevil. Like Iron Man before the MCU, I knew of Daredevil, but never knew his story. After the first season, I became a big fan of his conviction to help people without killing and the strong villain in Kingpin.
Most of the Netflix series for street-level heroes were great, notably Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Punisher. Luke Cage and Iron Fist were not as well-written. The team-up series was unfortunately not as good as it could been with suboptimal writing.
As for the miniatures, they did not intricate details so I was able to paint each one in 2-3 hours. It also helped that their color schemes were simplistic. I’ve seen some amazing paint jobs on Facebook and Reddit, but my goal is that they are “good enough” and recognizable.
Jenni and I have played the game as we painted the miniatures. The villains provide the most gameplay variety, so after the Defenders, my next focus was on various villains and anti-heroes (who can be played as heroes or villains).
I’m excited for Marvel’s upcoming movies and I hope they can return to the quality of the Infinity Saga. The Multiverse Saga has been average at best.
I’m looking for Marvel’s version of DC’s Suicide Squad: Thunderbolts. We don’t own miniatures for all of the Thunderbolts members in the MCU, but I painted three anti-heroes: Red Guardian, White Widow, and USAgent.

Lastly, Bruce and Jenni have lent their talents to help with our unpainted collection. Over the holidays, Jenni got Shang-Chi painted while Bruce has touched on whatever caught his eye.