For the Family

Grateful for Grandma

My kids made clay pandas and a Chinese lantern as she’s cherished their cute creations in the past.

My Po Po passed peacefully at 8am, February 11, 2021. One day before Chinese New Year.

Mom said that she was even thoughtful about when to die. In Chinese superstition, you should not have a joyous family event the same year as death. By passing away on the day she did, my cousin can be married in the coming lunar year. Though I often shrug off superstitions, I appreciated that this highlighted just how thoughtful my grandma was.

Clearing the Cache

Hindsight of 2020

A year unlike any other. Three hundred and sixty six days with reasons of what to be grateful for, reminders of what not to hold tightly to, and recognition of how connected we all are.

Clearing the Cache

Merry Christmas, He is Born!

We skipped several traditions this Christmas because of the coronavirus, but we’re thankful for all that we do have: our family, friends, and faith.

Our celebrations included making short stops at our grandparents and my parents the days before Christmas. On Christmas day, we settled in our pajamas, opened some gifts, played with the gerbils, and enjoyed one of the most peaceful days ever.


Happy 9th Birthday Bruce!


Bike and Run Portland Family Loop

Clearing the Cache

Happy Halloween


Costco Leaves COVID-Style

Gerbil Goodness

Rosalyn and Pearl

Meet the two new additions to our family! Rosie and Pearl are delightful gerbils who are getting used to the sights, sounds, and smells of our home. We’re eagerly waiting until they’re comfortable with us so we can hold them in our hands.


Happy 13th Birthday Kadie!

Clearing the Cache

Putting Myself Out There

As my LEGO hobby grew over the last few years, I’ve been frequenting websites for reviews, rumors, and ideas. After seeing other LEGO photographers’ work featured on one of those sites, Brick Fanatics, I decided to submit my favorite LEGO photograph to see what would happen.

I visited Brick Fanatics today to see the new LEGO 1989 Batwing, and as I scrolled down, I saw my photo as the Brick Pic of the Day.

That photo always makes me smile and I hope it sparks inspiration and joy to others.

If you want to see other photos I’ve done with LEGO, I have two previous posts and you can scroll down my Instagram feed.