
Spring Garden Park

Clearing the Cache

Bring Your Child to Work Day 2019

It’s fun seeing my workplace through my kids’ eyes. They must imagine that I go in and play with toys all day. And in some respects, I do.

Vernier hosted their annual Bring Your Child to Work Day and my three kids look forward to it every year they’ve been able to attend. The scientists at Vernier orchestrate experiments, demos, and activities that are unparalleled. They have so much fun showing how much fun science can be. I’m always grateful for all planning, preparation, and enthusiasm poured into the young visitors.

Straight to True North

Happily Fourteen Years After

Something old. Something new. Lemons and lemonade.

For our fourteenth anniversary, the lead up to it wasn’t magical at all. Jenni and I had been miscommunicating and being frustrated with each other. She was also depressed that she was ill and not sure if she’ll be able to enjoy our anniversary. And Bruce and Violet both had colds, which meant that we couldn’t join Jenni’s family for the family Easter gathering. My grandma was in recovery from sickness, and my mom stressed out about how to take care of her. There was just a rainy cloud over our household.


B4 Men’s Retreat at Washington Family Ranch


Rivendale Park 2


My Birthday Bike

Clearing the Cache

My 40th Birthday Weekend

I hate to admit it, but Jenni’s right (as she often is): I stress out about my birthdays. With it being my 40th, the expectations were higher than usual. Back in July, I already started a brainstorm of what I wanted to do. However, when it came around to January, I found myself lost.

Clearing the Cache

Biomimicry: Solutions Inspired by Nature

My friend and mentor, Jake Hopkins, visited Costa Rica for a week to attend a biomimicry workshop. I asked if I could try an interview-style video of his presentation and he was gracious enough to accept.

Straight to True North

Looking Back at 2018

Christmas always ends up hectic and busy. Between buying meaningful presents, coordinating family gatherings, and marching toward a major project deadline at work, I’m usually too tired to reflect on how much God has blessed us until all the festivities are over. 2018 was an amazing year as I compiled a list of highlights.


Happy 7th Birthday Bruce!

Collage of Bruce photos in the shape of a Chinese characters for seven