For my first vblog entry, I recorded my annual tradition of going to a Blazer home game with my dad. Vernier generously offers two tickets and I’ve taken advantage of it for over five years. Going to the game is one of my dad’s highlights. It is a great time to connect with my dad through the sport he competed as a young adult.
Author: David
Merry Christmas!
Bruce has always dreamed of owning his favorite Star Wars spaceship. For his birthday, we happily obliged. He was so excited to build this set and it is a great addition to our Rebel fleet.
Music credit: The March of the Resistance by John Williams (Cover by Sebastián Rivera)
Happy 6th Birthday Bruce!

Thankful for Thanksgiving
Violet’s Baptism
Black Ninjas Soccer
Bruce played on the Aloha United Soccer Club this fall in the micro soccer league. I helped out as an assistant coach half-way through the season since the coach was managing three teams. We’re very thankful for the coaches who dedicated their time helping the boys learn soccer fundamentals and teamwork.
Seeing the Sights in Seattle

As a milestone present for Kadie’s 10th birthday, we traveled to Seattle so she could see the Space Needle for the first time. We explored the Seattle Center area all afternoon before staying a night at an AirBnb house. Before we enjoyed the view from the top of the Space Needle, we visited the Chihuly Glass and Garden and marveled at the glass artwork. Though both the Space Needle and the Chihuly Glass were amazing, I suspect that the playground at the Seattle Center was one of her highlights. One of my highlights was being able to chat and chill with her in the rental car, talking about anything at all. They do grow up so fast.
We took advantage of the warm weather yesterday to play in the Costco leaves one more time. The kids weren’t interested, so Jenni, Leah, and I got the pile to ourselves. Naturally, we had to record our adventure.
I purchased a Chinese knock-off action camera off a deal last week and it’s been ear-to-ear grinning for me playing with wide-angle and slow-motion video.