52,000 Words for 1 Year

The Bride’s Bouquet

Alex's BouquetWe attended a vow renewal ceremony for our friends Livio and Alex at the Abernathy Gardens. What I enjoy most about weddings is seeing how two people commit to each other and confess their love publicly. It is a moment when I also pause to think of the vows I made five years ago.

I didn’t fully comprehend the significance of the promise made on that day until my wedding rehearsal. I was surprised that I was getting choked up looking at Jennilyn as we stood at the altar practicing our vows.

She thought I wasn’t looking at her in the eye because I was distracted by people in the sanctuary, but in reality, I was trying to hide that I was so happy that I was crying.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Splashing in the Rain

Ecstatic to use her new umbrella and boots to splash in the rain.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Surprising Mommy

Waiting for the MAX to walk to ChurchJenni and I have been taking turns going to church so that the other could watch the girls at home. I won’t go into the details for that decision, but today, after I got home from church, I took the girls out on a walk to the MAX station. When we arrived, I got the grand idea of riding the train, and walking the girls to church to surprise Jenni. It was the beginning of a fun day.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Battle Ground Lake

Battle Ground Lake

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Secret Spy Phone

Sometimes I wonder if Violet has a nano-sized phone microphone chip implanted on her left thumb and her right arm is her antenna and ear piece.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Down the Slide

Playing on the slide

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Turn Over a New Leaf

Red is my favorite color

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Wet Paint

Finger paintings

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Midnight Snack

Midnight snack

Clearing the Cache

Crafting Stars

David and Jack with StarCraft 2That’s Jack and me with his copy of StarCraft from Gamestop’s midnight launch. Yeah, midnight. And I’m thirty one years old. God bless Jack for his undying inner child and our mutual fondness, respect, and history with StarCraft.