Picture This

New Clothes for New Year

Family in RedSome things are a constant: like new clothes from my mom for Chinese New Year. I’m sure my mom has a blast now that she gets to buy girl clothes instead of boy clothes when my brother and I were kids. My resident art director and wife got everyone dressed up to show my mom how great the new dresses look on our daughters.

See our recent family portraits »

Clearing the Cache


Happy Valentines, Happy Chinese New Year, and Happy Birthday to Oregon! A trio of events on one day. Usually, Valentine’s day is a nightmare to get reservations at a restaurant, and usually, Chinese restaurants are a fail-safe, but since it is Chinese New Year, even Chinese restaurants might be full!

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Gray Before Blue

Foggy Elmonica MAX stationI never get tired of the foggy mornings in the winter knowing that sunshine is in the forecast for the afternoon.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Green Gems

Plastic beads at the bottom of a vaseAlthough the picture is just beads at the bottom of a flower vase, it reminded me a lot about Avatar. Something about the green-colored stems reaching down to translucent beads makes it look like magic.

I took the picture at Jenni’s cousin’s house as a test shot with a new telephoto lens. I’m very impressed by the sharpness and color given that this shot was handheld and no flash. I wasn’t blown away when I got my previous high-end wide-to-medium-telephoto lens, but this new telephoto has made a great first impression.

See more pictures from our visit to Longview »

Clearing the Cache

Our Date in 3D

Us watching Avatar in 3DWe finally got to see Avatar in 3D last weekend, as the first movie we’ve seen on a date outing in two and a half years. Funny, how having a kid can change date activities. All in all, Avatar was enjoyable, if too predictable. I, personally, spent more attention trying to see all the 3D, and figuring out how they did it than the story itself.

Clearing the Cache

Changing to Pads

I couldn’t resist getting into the joke about the Apple iPad with the post title–I can see some eyes rolling. I get excited about Apple product announcements because Steve Jobs is an amazing presenter. I enjoy taking sips of the Apple Kool-aid that brainwashes me into wanting an Apple product even if I don’t need it. Thankfully, I have Jenni to talk about it afterward, geek out for a while, and come back to Earth realizing that it’s another fancy toy to learn about, and not something I have a need for.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Dearly Departed

Bus bench in LongviewA bench across the street from Father’s House Church after Steve’s funeral service.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Kadie On Call

Kadie on her cellphone

I came home from work on night to find Kadie sitting on her training potty at her kitchen table talking on her toy cellphone with her grandpa.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

Sunday Morning Sweep

Kadie and Jenni cleaning

Jenni is a clever mom. She makes house chores into a game so that Kadie enjoys cooking and cleaning.

52,000 Words for 1 Year

American Size Preferences

Our Washer's Two Size Options

For my first picture of 2010, I wanted to share a funny quirk of our washer. When we moved in, I remember chuckling at the two load size options presented.