So We Love To Watch Dance

So You Think You Can Dance: Season 5 Begins

Jenni and I didn’t really catch onto So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) until season 3. We caught the tail-end of season 2 to see that Benji Schwimmer won, and eventually caught some of the best routines on YouTube. I don’t think we actively watched season 3 until we saw some great routines on YouTube early on. But, we didn’t get into voting until season 4. That’s when we knew we were really, really hooked.

We have found ourselves talking a lot about the routines and inspired by dance while we’re off the dance floor through SYTYCD. We figured we might as well share our thoughts on our blog this year for season 5 in hopes to get other people excited as well! Stay tuned for our thoughts on the top 20 routines!

Clearing the Cache

Defense Grid

Lately, I’ve been sucked into a video game called Defense Grid. It’s a relatively simple game concept where you build various towers to protect your energy source from a mindless parade of aliens all intent on stealing your energy source. While the concept is simple, some of the clever game mechanics has made it addictive to play. And it doesn’t help being obsessive-compulsive—trying to come up with the perfect strategy can take a few tries.

Clearing the Cache

Happy Mother’s Day

Jenni and Kadie

I’m thankful that God has given me 3 mothers in my life right now. I know that not everyone has that blessing, and what a blessing it is. It’s impossible to thank someone for loving you because it’s an endless gift of life, especially when it’s someone like a mom.

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Scream for Ice Cream

Ice Cream
Kadie didn’t like ice cream at first, which we thought was unusual. Perhaps it was too cold and it numbed her taste buds. But after having frozen yogurt cone at a Sweet Tomato restaurant, she now sucks the ice cream from the cone with a long session of slurps.

For now, we’re laughing at the mess she makes.

See photos of Kadie enjoying her ice cream cone »


One Who Has Rhythm

Kadence is living up to her namesake. Our new after-dinner routine is to play some music and get our groove on.

Straight to True North

Silver Falls

Our wedding rings at Winter FallsFor our third wedding anniversary, we had planned to visit Silver Falls and spend a night at a rustic cabin, but due to health circumstances, we were unable to go.

I think it was better that we went this year, for our fourth anniversary, since we were able to go without a baby and spend two wonderful days alone together (thanks to Jessica and Jenni’s parents for watching Kadie last minute).

Oh yeah, Jennilyn was very, very proud of the photo on the right. And she should be 😉

Straight to True North

Happily Four Years After

It’s hard to imagine that we’ve been married four years. Where did the time go? We’ve been married as long as we were both in high school, a president’s one term in office, and the number of years between olympics. On second thought, four years was not very long at all—there are great blessings in each year.

Clearing the Cache

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter
We had a quiet Easter weekend with a Saturday night Easter service at Beaverton Foursquare Church and Easter dinner with Jennilyn’s parents. Kadie is an expert egg finder and future fighter pilot.

I got to relax with some video games, a little Left 4 Dead, Braid demo, HAWX demo, and Defense Grid demo. I was pleasantly surprised by Braid, the platformer had great music and innovative puzzles that played homage to other platformers while introducing a few twists.

We both wished we could have attended the Easter Swing dance convention, but thanks to a tip from Jack, the event was broadcast on the internet, so we got to see some great highlights.

That’s our Easter. We hope everyone had a safe and fun Easter celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

See pictures from Easter 2009 »

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My New Nikes

My New Nikes

Kadie has a fascination with shoes. She enjoys bringing her shoes from the front door to my computer desk and asks sweetly for me to put them on her feet. Or, she will take off my slippers while I’m wearing them so she can put her feet in my slippers.

I recently got new walking shoes as my old ones were very worn out. Kadie has been admiring my new treads and has made several attempts to walk around in them, like her daddy.

See pictures of her attempt to tie my shoelaces »

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Mike and Kim

Mike and Kim Johnson

We were blessed to be Mike and Kim’s wedding photographers last weekend in Seattle. Kadie spent Friday and Saturday entertaining Jenni’s parents while we enjoyed a date in Seattle the night before the wedding.