Author: Jennilyn
Happy 10th Birthday Bruce!
Grammy Elaine’s Eulogy
Hayden’s 2nd Year
Po Po Wei Liu Huang
December 2020
December 2020: Christmas in our jammies, playing with the gerbils, Star Wars movies, Minecraft with Uncle Rex, LEGO, and outdoor family gatherings. Wishing you all love, joy, and peace in this New Year!
November 2020
November 2020: My thankful list -There’s still some pretty leaves hanging on. The YouTube Holderness Family has helped me laugh a bit more this month. It’s nice to see the faces of our dance mates as we dance from home again. I’m so thankful for God’s love that endures forever, and for His comforting peace in difficult times.
How do we teach our kids to wade through the turmoil of this life? Today’s devotional from Jesus Calling for kids by Sarah Young is food for thought.
October 2020
October 2020: We now have a teenager! And an awesome one at that! It was time we got a classroom pet which was more exciting than Christmas!
September 2020
September 2020: Started out lovely, the middle was… challenging, and now we can breathe again! Well, still trying to “breathe” through this pandemic school situation. Learning to NOT try and do everything at my pre-pandemic/pre-toxic air capacity. Learning to be thankful – for each day is still a gift. Bring on the happy orange pumpkins and squash!!!
August 2020
August 2020: May the summer never end! And yet, I love September too. Enjoying each day, one day at a time.