
Kadie’s Going To Be A Big Sister!

Cute Babay Number 2That’s right! I’m pregnant! About 10 weeks. Due in the end of June. And NO, we’re not going to find out what sex this baby is either until he or she is born. In the words of Wesley from The Princess Bride, “Get used to disappointment.”

Straight to True North


Two weeks ago I was discussing with David about why politics is such a touchy subject. He mentioned something I had known but hadn’t put my finger on before: people are so passionate about politics because it reflects their values, their world view – something very near and dear to them.

When I look at it from that angle, it makes sense why many people who share the same faith in Jesus Christ, share similar views on politics. What was interesting about this most recent election is how Christians seemed to be on both sides of the fence; I didn’t know who to vote for until the last remaining week or days.


Kadie’s Third Month

The Chinese people view a baby’s 100th day as a special day. Our handy counter on the bottom of our blog says she’s now 346 days old! It was my goal to capture those first 100 days of Kadence’s life and I finally created the last video of her first 3 months. This one is particularly fun because of her first fits of laughter.


A Dolly For My Baby

At some point I had noticed Kadence smiling, kicking her feet and making noises when she saw other babies. She spends a lot of time at home by herself, so I decided it was time to get her a little friend.

Daily Rice and Chicken

Baby Brain

Sleep deprivation leads to interesting side effects. David and I have developed hearing problems. I’ve realized that it does no good getting mad at him for saying “Huh?” every time I say something to him. Now we just repeat what we thought we heard.

David: “Huh? You need to grebber garble gooka?”
Jenni: “No! I need to grab the diaper bag!”

(I just made that up because I can’t remember what we’ve actually said, but it’s a lot like that.) Needless to say, our processing skills are a bit shot, just as our eyes are blood-shot.


Kick It Like Kadie

Here is Kadie’s first experiences with soccer. Maybe I’ll explain that eating the ball is against the rules when she gets a little older. Not bad for a 7 month old, eh?!


Jedi Padawans


Slurping A Spoonful of Silly

Straight to True North

Never Better – We’ll see you again Bob Potter

My heart is full of thoughts waiting to burst out.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place were I am going.”

Straight to True North

Dear David

I love being with you everyday. Whether we’re creating a project together, doing laundry, grocery shopping, dancing, or taking care of Kadie together. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, I’m so glad it’s you I get to do it with. Thank you for taking time to be one with me. Thank you for desiring to be the kind of father to Kadie that God has in mind for you. Thank you for making us both laugh. Thank you for holding us both when we cry. Thank you for being so patient with me when I don’t have the energy to take care of the house, or Kadie. Thank you for cooking and cleaning when I need you to. Thank you for changing Kadie’s diapers. Thank you for going to work everyday to provide for us as the Lord has provided your blessing of a job. Thank you for listening to my hopes and dreams and encouraging me to try new things. Thank you for praying with me and for me. I hope you know how special you are to me.

In love with you,
