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Everlasting Lessons

The story of Tuck Everlasting impressed me with how it handled immortality. I’ve found that immortality to be easily pigeon-holed into a superpower when it comes with drawbacks. I enjoyed how this play subverted my expectation and made death a necessary part of life’s journey.

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A Pan and Hook

This production required less photography before the show as it was Lovegood’s experiment at something bigger than a class show, but smaller than a main stage production.

So I didn’t do the typical headshots, costume parades, and souvenir photos I did for the previous three shows. However, it was Jenni’s acting debut, with dual roles no less.

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Just So, Colorful

The lighting for this production stepped up and used color to distinguish locations, moods, and character intentions. It also gave a bold color splash for my photography.

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Soaked In SpongeBob

After Fiddler on the Roof, the director asked if we would be interested in SpongeBob. I’ve seen the memes and have heard of the character. I even watched an episode for research, but I didn’t see the appeal.

But the musical for SpongeBob has become one of my favorites.

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In Great Company for Fiddler on the Roof

Fiddler on the Roof was a movie that Jenni loved and wanted me to watch it with her. It was years ago and I don’t remember any of the storyline or songs. Perhaps I fell asleep during the movie.

But Jenni continues to make references to it, mainly the iconic songs like “If I Was A Rich Man” and “Do You Love Me?” So it came as no surprise that she wanted to be part of a local theater’s production.