I found the following pregnancy quote in a book, “Crib Notes,” that Jake and Linda gave me:
“If you want to know the feeling [of labor pain], just take your bottom lip and pull it over your head.”
Carol Burnett on Childbirth
U.S. Comedian
But on the positive side…
- I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.
- Increased fat deposits makes skin feel softer.
- I get new clothes.
- Prenatal vitamins are great for nail and hair growth.
- Progesterone: the feel good hormone.
- Lot’s of hormones make me feel better in general.
- I’m able to cheat on my diet more: summer fruit, I love you!
- I have a good excuse for craving food.
- I have a good excuse for either wanting seconds, or avoiding something that’s unappetizing.
- Being too tired to cook or clean means eating out more often.
- I get to see mom and dad and friends more often as they come to help me cook and clean.
- Pregnancy related vomit doesn’t taste or hurt as bad as influenza.
- Nausea means the hormones are flowing good and strong – all for making baby grow.
- Fatigue means baby’s borrowing my energy to grow healthy and strong.
- Waddling means my joints are becoming flexible for baby’s birth.
- I don’t have to feel bad for not making the bed ’cause I’m just gonna get in it again for naps.
- Leg cramps and Braxton Hicks are great practice for relaxing through pain.
- Braxton Hicks create unique problem solving situations like crawling up the stairs or to the bathroom.
- Frequent trips to the bathroom ensure getting at least some form of exercise.
- Increased hydration and frequent urination changes the water in the fish tank, or amniotic fluid, rather.
- Amniotic fluid changes out 8 times a day, thus frequent urination is good.
- Clumsiness and forgetfulness can be blamed on pregnancy as the brain actually shrinks.
- The more discomfort I feel in the last few weeks, the more my body is preparing for giving birth.
- My husband’s massages are wonderful.
- Baby’s kicks and rolling around provides much entertainment.
- Giggling is easily induced.
- Out of control giggling amuses my husband and others.
- So does all the extra burping.
- Wakefulness during the night provides great quiet time with God.
- Not being able to sleep provides great time for blogging.