Author: David
LEGO Window Shopping
For every Fred Meyer, Target, Toys R Us, and Barnes and Noble I visit, I must browse to toy aisle—specifically for LEGOs. You never know when you could run into a deal on these expensive sets.
Song credit to REBRICKULOUS
Happy Chinese New Year
Our family finished the Whole30 challenge for the second time and I reflected on its benefits. I also think about why it’s healthy to break our routines regularly so that we can consider whether our routines are still relevant to our lives.
Techniques and tricks I tried in this video for my vlog experiment:
- Recording a story about my morning routine at work
- Continue experimenting with in-camera transitions
- Adding hyperlapses for b-roll
- Done is better than perfect: There are some time-space continuum inconsistencies, but it helps tell the overall story
Creative Campfire
How We Do Laundry
It’s the small things that lead to big things. We started teaching our kids how to do laundry when they were four. Partially out of desperation because of the amount of laundry with three kids and two adults.
Laundry is a game each week. We bury them in all the clean laundry, they have a blast sorting, making jokes about underwear, folding it, then putting it away.
The cherry on top was exploring a new indoor playground: Out of this World Pizza. We thought about going to Safari Sam’s, but it was no longer in business.
Portland Winter Light Festival
You could say it was an “illuminating” experience.
Dad jokes aside, after I put the kids to bed, I drove out to OMSI to see the 2018 Portland Winter Light Festival. My adventure was inspired by three things: trying tips from Peter McKinnon’s video about night photography, missing the festival last year, and recording content for my vlog experiment.