
Bike and Run from Mom and Dad’s

Gerbil Goodness

Our Priceless Pearl Gerbil

We are sadden to have lost one of our gerbils. She unfortunately passed while we were on vacation and we discovered her in her temporary enclosure after we returned home. We had left both our gerbils with a friend while we were away for ten days.

She was always a skittish one but a great companion to our Rosie. She enjoyed food, running around, and always up to explore new areas. We are very blessed to have shared a year with her and will always remember her fondly. Thank you Pearl for the love and joy you’ve given us.

Clearing the Cache

Charlene and David’s Wedding

Charlene was chatting with my brother and me one late night two years ago. She was great about coming up to Portland to visit family between (or because of) adventures and I always try to get some time with her.

We were stewing around the dance of dating and relationships. It was a thoughtful discussion and I remember being confident that someday I would travel to California for her wedding.

Chatting with Charlene and Jack on April 22, 2019

Happy 14th Birthday Kadie!

For the Family

Grammy Elaine’s Eulogy


Lost Lake

My parents were always great about going to new places when I was growing up. This is the second trip we’ve gone exploring the Pacific Northwest together. Lost Lake wasn’t as clear with the smoke and haze, but it was still quite a sight and the waters were amazingly clear.


53rd Avenue Park


Portland Bridge Pedal 2021

One of my new annual traditions, after doing the Bridge Stride in 2018, Family Ride in 2019, I embarked on the Main Ride this year to see how the 20-mile route goes.

Jake Hopkins joined me on the expedition, and we enjoyed a casual ride over seven Portland bridges. I couldn’t have asked for better weather and better company.

Many thanks to the organizers and volunteers for hosting the event. It’s a great joy to ride on the bridges and freeways without cars and a proud citizen of a city that promotes biking!


OMSI’s Dinosaurs


Oregon Coast Aquarium