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Thankful for Thanksgiving

Straight to True North

Violet’s Baptism


Photo by Polly Hill

When we went to an informational session about baptism over a year ago for Kadie, Violet was disappointed that she wasn’t old enough to get baptized. She really wanted to get baptized. Now that she turned eight years old this summer, she seized her opportunity.

Clearing the Cache

Black Ninjas Soccer

Bruce played on the Aloha United Soccer Club this fall in the micro soccer league. I helped out as an assistant coach half-way through the season since the coach was managing three teams. We’re very thankful for the coaches who dedicated their time helping the boys learn soccer fundamentals and teamwork.

Clearing the Cache

Seeing the Sights in Seattle

Photo of us from the top of the Space Needle

As a milestone present for Kadie’s 10th birthday, we traveled to Seattle so she could see the Space Needle for the first time. We explored the Seattle Center area all afternoon before staying a night at an AirBnb house. Before we enjoyed the view from the top of the Space Needle, we visited the Chihuly Glass and Garden and marveled at the glass artwork. Though both the Space Needle and the Chihuly Glass were amazing, I suspect that the playground at the Seattle Center was one of her highlights. One of my highlights was being able to chat and chill with her in the rental car, talking about anything at all. They do grow up so fast.

Clearing the Cache

Playing in a Pile of Leaves at Costco

We took advantage of the warm weather yesterday to play in the Costco leaves one more time. The kids weren’t interested, so Jenni, Leah, and I got the pile to ourselves. Naturally, we had to record our adventure.

I purchased a Chinese knock-off action camera off a deal last week and it’s been ear-to-ear grinning for me playing with wide-angle and slow-motion video.


Happy 10th Birthday Kadie

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Legends in LEGO: Episode 2

Coulson and Ghost Rider

Since my first post about LEGO photography, we’ve continued to collect brick sets to play, create, and photograph. I love that our kids unleash their imagination by minfig stories or constructing structures and vehicles. This past year, I’ve upgraded my lighting equipment to improve my shots and tried timelapse videos as we built some sets. I’ve joked with Jenni that we’ve probably spent a little much on LEGO lately.


Rocky Mountain Road Trip

Saturday, June 24th
Day 1

11am Left home. Feeling sad we didn’t say goodbye to our neighbors who were moving to Iowa that day.

11:30am Jenni realizes her wallet is still at home! Turn around and go back. Glad we came back because we forgot a jacket for David, and to turn on the dishwasher. We stop by our neighbors and say a proper goodbye.

12pm Drove and drove and drove. Thermos lunch, and lettuce wraps for second lunch.

8pm Hotel in Spokane, Washington. Turkey Tacos microwaved for dinner.

Clearing the Cache

My 20-Year High School Reunion

Benson Reunion at Ecotrust 028

“Why do you do this?” asked an intoxicated classmate at the end of the reunion. Her question caught me off guard because I didn’t have an immediate answer.

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Total Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse 002

After months of anticipation for The Great American Eclipse, we drove early in the morning to experience its totality. That was my plan A, which became plan B, then plan C, then back to plan A.