
100 Days Old

Rumor has it that in China it’s special for a baby to reach 100 days old. So in honor of that, I have created a video of Kadence’s 1st month. I wanted to do all three months, but here’s the 1st with more to follow.


Laugh Out Loud

The first time Kadence laughed was when I gave her a bath. I had put her ears underwater and the Lord inspired me (which must’ve been the Lord because who else would think of crazy things to do) to snap my fingers underwater. She chuckled briefly and I laughed in amazement. I always thought that I would miss out on so many of Kadence’s firsts because I’m at work most of the day. I’m sure I’ll miss things in the future, but I’ve been blessed to been the first to experience some things.

The video above of yours truly performing raspberries on Kadie’s belly was a few days after her first chuckle. Again, out of the blue, I decided to lift her up and blow on her tummy. Her laughter was adorable. I love watching her learn how to do all these simple things I’ve taken for granted—and to live life anew through the eyes of someone experience everything for the first time.


Facial Expression Check

Here’s a of Kadence’s facial expressions self-check: going through as many facial expressions as possible under 90 seconds. Sometimes I wonder what is in that baby brain of her’s.


Cooing Mr. Incredible

Kadence has started using her voice more. We laid her on a mat with Mr. Incredible and we’re certain she has some very important things to say to him.

Now, if we could only get her to tell us what she wants instead of crying…


Twelve Months of O’ Seven

Twelve Months of 07As we were writing our Christmas letter this evening, our creativity got the best of us. We had our own version of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas,’ appropriately themed around Jenni’s pregnancy.


With The Birth Of A Child, A Mother Is Born

All my life I’ve dreamed of becoming a wife and mother. I confess that when I got out of high school, all I really wanted to do was get married and have a family. But there were no prospects, and I didn’t want to sit around and wait for who knows how long till that happened. So off to college I went and I discovered life after high school was good after all.


Kadence Has Hiccups


Kadence’s Faces

Kadence's Funny Faces


Becoming a Father

It won’t be possible to recount all the events for Kadence’s birth, but I want to remember as much as possible because it was a great testimony of the Lord’s provisions every step of the way.

So if you’re interested in reading further, I’d recommend getting comfortable. I’m about to get loquacious.


Happy Birthday Kadence!

Kadence Lim, 30 minutes after birth, photo by Rachel Jones

We are pleased to introduce our lovely daughter, Kadence Lim! She is so sweet and beautiful. We can’t believe we’re parents now.

She was born October 2nd, 2007 at 1:03pm. She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces, and was 19 inches long.

Thank you everyone for their warm wishes and prayers. The Lord carried us through joys and trials. We will have the full scoop on our blog soon!

Kadence coming home, photo by Jack Lim