
Bike and Run Sellwood and Tilikum

I can’t remember the last time I saw my brother in person. It was probably back in February since his schedule is often full. Sure, we’ve Zoomed, Facetimed, Google Hangout, and Housepartied during the shelter in place, but it’s not the same as being with a person in person.

Clearing the Cache

“Camping” During COVID

I love Jenni’s imaginative solutions to life’s curveballs. For as long as I’ve known her, she doesn’t let things hold her down from living. It’s one of her traits that I admire the most.

We daydreamed about what to do for Memorial Day weekend to keep the kids active and motivated. With recommendations to stay at home still active in our county, we took the approach to “camp” at home. And it had several advantages over real camping, namely, being able to sleep well in our own beds.

Lemonade Life

Look for the Helpers

I can only imagine the hardships that many people face with the COVID-19 pandemic. The fear, uncertainty, loss, pain, and death. Normal life flipped almost in a day when shelter-in-place orders rippled through the United States to slow the spread of the disease. It’s eerily parallel to the movie Contagion or Outbreak. Even a zombie apocalypse.

Lemonade Life

Making Working From Home Work

Day 30. For some, it’s been longer. The Oregon governor issued the “stay home” order on Monday, March 23, 2020 and I was finishing a four-day weekend. I went into work for an hour to grab my desktop computer and set up to work from home.