June 2020: starting to figure out a quarantine pod in order to better survive the duration of these times. Also, I’ve been thinking a lot about some influential people in my life who happen to have black skin (my high school soccer coach Bobby Clark, my high school band teacher Greg McKelvey, some friends I’ve played music with, as well as some famous people who’ve inspired me). Praying for hearts to soften toward their fellow humans, for courage where it is needed, and for humility and respect to grow the future generations up to be better than the ones before.

A few memories from life at home these past months:
My 10 yr old, in conversation with Daddy at lunch, found out he had a Zoom social with co-workers, to which she responded in all seriousness, “I thought they seemed exceptionally chatty for work.”
My 8 yr old, when I told him to be quiet for the nth time so K could do her math test: “Mute. Mute-mute-mute-mute-mute…” (Wiggle wiggle in his seat).
My 12 yr old, giggling when I go to kiss her goodnight and find not her face on her pillow but her feet!
Finishing the final 3 books in the Harry Potter series. Finally! Freedom to talk spoilers galore!
Editing and watching through all the Marvel movies!