52,000 Words for 1 Year

52 Photos for 2010

I’ve been intrigued by photo projects ever since discovering 365 portraits (careful, some portraits are very strange) a while back. I don’t have the energy to take a photo and put it on out blog daily, but I wanted to do at least one a week.

The photos will be taken by myself or Jenni. They don’t represent the best of the best, but something we found amusing, funny, or intriguing.

At the very least, it’ll keep our blog a bit more up to date than it has been and taking 52 photos this year is easier than typing 52,000 words 😉 So stay tuned for 2010’s first weekly picture.

Straight to True North

Merry Christmas!

Kissing under a mistletoe at Peacock Lane

I’m looking forward to gathering with family with Christmas and seeing Kadie celebrate the birth of Christ. We’ve been doing nightly advent activities and I smile whenever I hear Kadie say “Baby Jesus” as she plays with our nativity set.

I am incredibly blessed that the Lord has given me the life that I enjoy, Jennilyn to love me with all heart, two delightful daughters who smile at me everyday, family nearby to visit often, and a generous job with fulfilling work.

Clearing the Cache

Coding InStyle

When my company moved from text to HTML e-mail newsletters last year, I found myself going back in time for web design. I had to toss out using semantic code and advanced CSS to create HTML e-mail designs that would be compatible with the wide assortment of e-mail clients. I was humbled as I would complain about cross-browser testing, but it was nothing compared to trying to design a HTML e-mail that would work for the varieties of e-mail clients. Needless to say, I’m glad I don’t do HTML e-mail designs all the time.

Picture This

Kids and Laundry

Kids LaundryKadie and Vi when they were about 5 months old and sitting in laundry.

Straight to True North

Giving Thanks In All Things

We had a great Thanksgiving holiday (can’t really call it a vacation when you’re more tired after the long weekend then before) visiting family, cleaning house, and Christmas shipping. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the Lord had put the theme of gratitude on Jenni and my heart this month, and I’ve been reminded of how easy it is to be selfish and greedy when I have much to be grateful for.

Picture This

Tim and Trina

Tim and Trina
Jenni and I had the honor and joy of photographing Tim and Trina’s wedding in September. Trina is a friend from dance who blessed us by DJing our wedding, so we were happy to turn around and be part of her and Tim’s celebration. It was a two-day event and their close friends and family made it memorable. That and the fantastic food at the reception.

Picture This

Happy Halloween!

Beaver Pumpkin
Beaver Pumpkin at Night

Clearing the Cache

A Knight In Arkham Asylum

I’ll first admit that when I learned that a Batman game was coming soon, I didn’t give it another thought. The screenshot made it look like a simple brawler and nothing much past that. It wasn’t until I read that the company had enlisted some of the voice talents from Batman: The Animated Series that I raised an eyebrow. Then I found that the script was from Paul Dini–then I thought, that’s gotta be good.

Clearing the Cache

Captain Jack Cupcakes

Captain Jack O' Lantern Cupcakes

Captain Jack O’ Lantern comes back in the form of a cupcake! Our famous pirate pumpkin continues to surprise us–first, making it onto MAKE magazine’s blog front page and now as a cupcake decoration by Little Miss Cupcake from Paris. We salute you Captain Jack!


Happy 2nd Birthday Kadie!

Two years, too fast! I often heard from parents that their best advice was to enjoy their children now because they grow up so fast. Jenni also has a saying, “the days go by slow, but the years go by fast.” Here I am looking at my two-year-old daughter and thinking, wow, you did grow up fast!