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Sustainable Northwest Gala

A coworker of mine asked me to be a volunteer photographer for Sustainable Northwest. They hosted a party at the Crystal Ballroom for their 15th anniversary.

I was already going to be in downtown that afternoon to rent a few lenses for Tim and Trina’s wedding, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to get my photography mode a head start for the weekend.

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Cute Sisters

Jennilyn has been taking impromptu photos of Kadie and Violet and I think they’re adorable and sweet. Be sure to check out our recent gallery of our girls from this month. Many of the portraits are photographed by Jenni, but I doubt you’ll notice the difference between mine’s and her’s. She’s become quite the photographer.

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Chasing Sunsets

Chasing Sunsets

After launching a web site update at work today, I took advantage of the weather and we trekked out to Cannon Beach to watch an Oregon coast sunset—which, of course consists of color-changing clouds in the horizon.

See pictures of Cannon Beach »

Clearing the Cache

Hans Zimmer

The greatest gift my parents bestowed upon me was a love for music. One of my mom’s favorite qualities of my dad is his love for music. My mom once described how she loves music but emphasized that my dad loves it more. Thanks to their love for music, I have a shared interest with my lovely band geek who played trombone and a love for dance–few things are as beautiful as a visual magically choreographed to music.

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Our Praying Visitor

Praying Mantis


Early Smiles

I think what helps me get through the long nights is looking forward to our baby’s firsts, especially the first smiles and the first laugh.


Our Naming Criteria

We didn’t decide on Violet’s name until a month she was born, compared to five months for Kadence. I think we both felt pressured inspired to find a similarly creative name like Kadence.

Clearing the Cache

My Girls

My Girls

A few recent photographs of the lovely ladies in my life. The top left portrait of Kadie was from Tracy’s BBQ this past Saturday, Jenni and Violet was from a portrait session, and Jenni and Kadie blowing on a dandelion at my parents’ house for Kevin’s visit.

So We Love To Watch Dance

Top 8: David’s Favorites

I’m starting to think I’m an old fogie since I’m agreeing more with Nigel the last few episodes. Tonight’s show was a lull for me. The opening number from Travis was ok, but nothing as spectacular as last week’s. However, the show skyrocketed to new heights in the last 30 minutes.

So We Love To Watch Dance

Top 10: David’s Impressions

This post is a little late since we were celebrating the birth of our daughter last week. However, there were some amazing performances that I keep returning to in my sleep-deprived state.