Clearing the Cache

This Gift is ‘Da Bomb’

Jennilyn’s family is fun and creative in their Christmas gifts. They go the full ten yards in wrapping the gift with unusual boxes, noise makers, and special shapes to prevent the recipient from guessing what is inside.

My first Christmas with Jennilyn, I got the gag wrap where there are bags inside of bags inside of bags. And then there was duct tape to get through. Last year, Jennilyn put metal nails and batteries inside my gift so when I shook it, I would hear metal clashing and thuds.

Clearing the Cache

A Short Time Ago, At OMSI Not Too Far Away…

Leah, James, Jack, Jenni and I visited the OMSI exhibit of Star Wars to see the science of the space saga. There were many props on display from all six movies in the two triologies, including models, costumes, lightsabers, blasters, and vehicles. More after the jump into hyperspace!

Clearing the Cache


It’s been an interesting few days with the high-speed winds blowing in the northwest. We experienced two blackouts in three days.

Clearing the Cache

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We wish everyone a wonderful and great Thanksgiving! In the spirit of turkeys, the picture above was actually taken last year at my company’s Thanksgiving Turkey party. One of my talented coworkers made turkey cupcakes to share with everyone at the office.

Food art is pretty cool, it’s just too bad that it gets eaten up.

Clearing the Cache

MAKE-ing Headlines

Our pirate pumpkin last year on MAKE's web site!Wow! Jenni and I are so thrilled to be featured on several blogs for our Pirate Captain Jack O’ Lantern! I woke up today, opened my blog’s dashboard to wipe off some comment spam, and found a reference from the MAKE magazine’s web site to our blog. I headed on over and saw a link to our own Captain Jack featured on their homepage!

Clearing the Cache

Vernier’s 25th Anniversary

Sunriver sunsetThe company I work for celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. As part of that celebration, the whole company was invited to Sunriver, Oregon for a weekend of relaxing and socializing, all paid for by the company. Jenni and I received a luxurious second floor room at the Sunriver Resort with a vaulted ceiling, a cozy king-sized bed, and a porch with two rocking chairs. We didn’t stay in the room much since we looked forward to playing in the pools and hot tubs.

Clearing the Cache

Licensed to Laugh

DRGNSJenni and I were heading home from the Asian food store, Uwajimaya, and as we got off highway 217, we stopped behind a vehicle with a license plate “DRGNS.”

“Dragons,” I stated.

“Or Dr. Guns,” Jennilyn added. We turned and smiled at each other.

I pointed to myself, “Geek,” and to her, “Country girl.”

We laughed and she pointed out that the vehicle was a truck. I crinkled my nose at her and made our turn home.

Clearing the Cache

Kevin and Josselyn

Kevin and Josselyn TomJenni, Jack, and I visited Los Angeles this last weekend for my cousin’s wedding. Kevin, Jack, and I spent a good portion growing up learning multiplication from our grandpa, talking about who’s getting which Transformer robot, and blowing crap up with firecrackers that we got from our dentist. He moved away from Oregon before I started middle school, but our mischievous adventures of many years will always be a part of me. It was a huge blessing to be a part of a major milestone in his life.

Clearing the Cache

Cannon Beach Sand Castles

We visited Cannon Beach to watch the annual sand castle contest. There were many very amusing creations, and a few that were fantastic. Of the twenty constructed, only a few were actual sand castles. Here are few that left us in awe or tickled our funny bone.

Clearing the Cache

The Lunch Love Language

Jennilyn's packed lunchesBefore we got married, we both read “The Five Love Languages,” where it describes each person having specific ways they give and receive love. We both were strong in “Words of Affirmation” and “Quality Time.” But though the book primarily talks about each of us having a primariy and secondary language, I believe that speaking in all the love languages fills the “love tank” much more successfullly.