Clearing the Cache

This Second Time at Day Camp

Photo booth collage

With an amazing experience at Beaverton Foursquare’s day camp last year during my my sabbatical, I took a week off from work to serve again. It was also Violet’s first year attending day camp, and her big sister was very excited to share the experience with her.

Shoot the Moon

I did not have a particular idea of how to serve, much like last year. I told the camp director that I was willing to be plugged in wherever they needed me. When I attended the first planning meeting, the activity station leader asked if anyone had experience for a photo booth. I smiled and raised my hand.

The photo booth had some logistics to work out, but thankfully God is in the details. We took photos of the camper teams and I designed the team flags so we could identify where the photo would go after it was printed. The original concept was that the teams were landing on the moon with their flag, but it got simplified in execution.

Day Camp Team Names

I used a two-light system for quick snaps and they turned out better than I thought. My two helpers, Ava and Ave, improved my black background with star stickers on the second day. By the last day, I hung an astronaut face-in-hole background to change it up.

There was some light post-processing after camp each day, then prints were ordered from Costco. For each person in the photo, there was a copy printed so that everyone had a print. It should be a fun souvenir for campers to remember the people who poured love into their lives for a week.

Serving and Served

The best part of the week was reuniting with people I served with last year and meeting new people. Everyone had such a heart to give for God’s work and it was inspiring to be part of it. Lindsay Horne, who serves as the 1st and 2nd grade pastor, impressed me a second year with her calm and steady leadership with a team of 200+ volunteers. Brandie Withrow and Geni Slosser led the space stations where my photo booth was located. They are a great pair: Brandie’s bright enthusiasm and get-in-the-trenches work ethic and Geni’s rock-steady support and peaceful demeanor.

My favorite coincidence (though Geni reminded me that there are no coincidences with God) was that Kadie and Violet’s counselor for the week was also a young teacher who watches over Bruce in three-year-olds every Sunday. I’m thankful that we finally got to meet the Hannah that Bruce talked about during the week. By the second day of camp, the girls loved “teacher Hannah” as well.

To Boldly Go Where God Goes

This year’s camp was grounded on Joshua 1:9 that we are to be strong and courageous. I was reminded and encouraged by God’s word throughout the week during worship, drama, and serving with others. For all the brokenness in the world, even people who follow Jesus, He is our hope that never fails.

While I was physically tired by the end of the week, I was spiritually fed and couldn’t help by raise my hands and thank my Father for a great week at camp.