Author: David
Tricks and Treats from Kadence
Will Work for Food
Jenni’s aunt Kathy gave us a $50 paper gift certificate for a food service that will cook and deliver a meal. It’s a very thoughtful gift for new parents since we spend so much time feeding, changing, entertaining, and enjoying Kadence that some of the routine chores, like cooking and cleaning, get neglected.
However, the gift certificate’s design looked a bit… how shall I say… unprofessional and lacking in design. At the risk of sounding like a snob, I would offer the suggestion to refrain from using 9 different font styles on one page.
Jenni and I visited their web site to see their menu. I chuckled listening to Jenni critique their web site design and layout.
Then the little voice inside my head reminded me that everyone has different talents and to not judge others based on their weakness. I have my own flaws too. And I’ve thought that instead of criticizing for someone’s weakness, I should lend a hand to help.
So I joked with Jenni that perhaps I could contact them and ask them if I could redesign their web site. And they could pay us with food. Then I could work from home and we wouldn’t have to cook. Sounds like a good idea eh?
Portrait Difficulties
It isn’t easy to get babies posed for portraits. But it does make for funny faces.
Jenni’s cousin Kari and two kids, Piper and Owen, visited with Kari’s mom, Kathy for the morning and we were able to do an impromptu photo session with her kids. See photos from the session »
An Old Haunt
I walked up to Jennilyn this morning for a hug and told her that I was looking forward to going to Fred Meyer with her and Kadence today.
“Visiting an old haunt?” She replied.
“Visiting an old honk?” I inquired.
Haunt? I suppose we’re getting close to Halloween, but I had never heard the expression ‘old haunt’ before. A quick search on revealed the definition Jenni referred to, number nine: Often, haunts. a place frequently visited: to return to one’s old haunts.
In looking back, the one-stop shopping Fred Meyer has been one of our old haunts. When Jenni and I courted, I would stop by the Fred Meyer in Battle Ground to pick up flowers, sweets, or a movie. On some occasions when Jenni had cabin fever, we’d make a date out of going to Fred Meyer.
After we married, one of our favorite date activities has been a one-two combo of Fred Meyer for Soy Delicious ice cream then Hollywood Videos for a movie.
So, yeah, visiting an old haunt. Learned something today.
Kadence Has Hiccups
Kadence’s Faces
Becoming a Father
It won’t be possible to recount all the events for Kadence’s birth, but I want to remember as much as possible because it was a great testimony of the Lord’s provisions every step of the way.
So if you’re interested in reading further, I’d recommend getting comfortable. I’m about to get loquacious.
Kadence Photos
I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that one of the first things people ask for are pictures of our new baby. She is now 5 days old and changing quite a bit. When we were at our postpartum appointment yesterday, the doctor showed us how much the baby’s stomach changes in the first 10 days. It nearly doubles in size!
We’ve been taking lots of photos (over 300 so far), and I got some time between feedings to fix a few up and get them posted. There are currently two galleries, one for Kadence and her family and one for Kadence’s portraits.
I’m currently working on a blog post about the whole fatherhood experience and will post photos related to that soon. Until then, enjoy how adorable our little girl is.
Happy Birthday Kadence!
We are pleased to introduce our lovely daughter, Kadence Lim! She is so sweet and beautiful. We can’t believe we’re parents now.
She was born October 2nd, 2007 at 1:03pm. She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Thank you everyone for their warm wishes and prayers. The Lord carried us through joys and trials. We will have the full scoop on our blog soon!