
Third Time’s The Charm

BruceIt has taken me a bit longer to get to blog about Bruce’s birth. I hardly get to the computer these days. But here it is: the birth story of our third child.

As I did with Violet’s story, the short version is that the labor was about 12 hours. The pushing stage was 5 minutes. I had a natural birth at Alma Midwifery Birth Center. It was another water birth, and it went very well. My midwife said the birth was “amazing.” Bruce was born on his actual due date, December 11th, 2011 at 3:23am, weighed 8lbs 6oz, 20 inches long, with a head circumference of 14 1/2 inches. He looked a lot like Kadie did as a newborn. We were very pleased to have a son!

Daily Rice and Chicken

How Are You Feeling?

When people ask me how the pregnancy is going, my short answer is usually A) “Great! Thanks to my chiropractor!” Or, I think I’ll add a B) “Great! I’ve got an amazing husband who massages my feet all the time!”

The long answer goes something like this:


Baby Names

We are having an easier time coming up with a list of what not to name our baby than actual candidates. Some of them are tempting, but then some of them are just out of our late-night-we-should-just-go-to-bed talks. Here’s a few from the “nah” list:

  • Anna Lim (pronounced On a Lim)
  • Harry Lim
  • Tim, Jim, or Kim Lim
  • Llewellyn Lim
  • Luke Lim
  • Darth Lim
  • Chewbacca Lim (Chewie Lim sounds great!)
  • Yoda Lim
  • Wyatt Lim (sounds to close to how the girls say Violet’s name)
  • Ace Lim
  • Forest Lim (Lim means forest)
  • Nimrod
  • Ichabod
  • Butch
Mr. & Mrs. Lim

Time for a Minivan

Our rhythm gets us in trouble.

Quick Facts:

  • The due date is December 6th.
  • No, the pregnancy wasn’t exactly planned.
  • Yes, we are waiting until the baby is born to find out if we have a son or daughter.

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

One recent morning when I wasn’t feeling well, Kadie said, “We could go to your room. You should do your exercises.”

Mr. & Mrs. Lim

He Brings Me Flowers

David knows how much I enjoy flowers; especially when I’m in need of some cheer. But then the poor guy sneezes until he’s miserable. Love hurts, right? I think that after six years of marriage, I might have convinced him that I thoroughly enjoy them even when I set them outside the window. Nice thing is, they last quite a bit longer out in the cool air.

Mr. & Mrs. Lim

Live Life Anyways


David married me back when I wasn’t sure I would be able to be much of a wife to him. I was bed-ridden quite a bit and David carried a pillow around for me everywhere we went, and, occasionally, carried me when I couldn’t walk. Thankfully, I am WAY better than six years ago, but I am still dealing with my chronic pain, insomnia, and recently rediscovered, parasite issues. I thought they were gone, but I guess not.

Mr. & Mrs. Lim

Massage Therapy

Foot massage

David has always been very healing to me. His frequent foot massages helps my head pain disappear for a while. I’m so blessed to have a husband who is so generous with his love to me.

Daily Rice and Chicken

New Years Day Brain Dump

Trying to make pancakes using brown rice flour, rice milk, and no eggs makes crispy outsides but it deceives you! The insides are squishy glue! it’s better to fill the house with smoke from the waffle iron as it blackens the batter and makes for a super crunchy wafer.

Daily Rice and Chicken

Rainclouds + Sunshine = Rainbows

Everyone experiences rainclouds in life. Sometimes I wonder just how many rainclouds can gather over my head at once. This past month was a doozy for us, but thankfully we had God as a big umbrella over us, and some glimpses of sunshine through our friends and family.