
Happy 100-Day Birthday Bruce!

Lim family portrait at Super King

Today, Bruce turned 100 days old, a special custom to Chinese. I can’t take credit for knowing any of that; when Kadie was born, my cousin Kevin asked if we were going to throw her a 100-day party. I asked my mom if she had ever heard about it, and before we knew it, we threw a party to thank all the people who gave us gifts.

And just like Kadie, we celebrated Bruce’s party at Super King buffet in East Portland. It worked out well as people came as they pleased and we filled their banquet room.


Third Time’s The Charm

BruceIt has taken me a bit longer to get to blog about Bruce’s birth. I hardly get to the computer these days. But here it is: the birth story of our third child.

As I did with Violet’s story, the short version is that the labor was about 12 hours. The pushing stage was 5 minutes. I had a natural birth at Alma Midwifery Birth Center. It was another water birth, and it went very well. My midwife said the birth was “amazing.” Bruce was born on his actual due date, December 11th, 2011 at 3:23am, weighed 8lbs 6oz, 20 inches long, with a head circumference of 14 1/2 inches. He looked a lot like Kadie did as a newborn. We were very pleased to have a son!


Merry Christmas!

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It’s A Boy!

Bruce Lim

Welcome Bruce Lim, God’s third addition to our family!


Baby Names

We are having an easier time coming up with a list of what not to name our baby than actual candidates. Some of them are tempting, but then some of them are just out of our late-night-we-should-just-go-to-bed talks. Here’s a few from the “nah” list:

  • Anna Lim (pronounced On a Lim)
  • Harry Lim
  • Tim, Jim, or Kim Lim
  • Llewellyn Lim
  • Luke Lim
  • Darth Lim
  • Chewbacca Lim (Chewie Lim sounds great!)
  • Yoda Lim
  • Wyatt Lim (sounds to close to how the girls say Violet’s name)
  • Ace Lim
  • Forest Lim (Lim means forest)
  • Nimrod
  • Ichabod
  • Butch

Happy Birthday Kadence!

How amazing you are at four years old with all the funny things you say. You’re particularly cute when you crinkle your nose and wrap your arms around my bicep or leg. Your artwork with markers have grown from blobs to blobs with facial features to blobs with appendages too. I’ve enjoyed sharing magnet-doodle artwork with you as you nimble on your dinner. You’re a great helper with Violet’s diapers and cleaning up toys. You play a hilarious game of hide-and-seek. You’re a budding photographer with your camera. The towers you build with blocks climb higher and higher.


Violet’s Second Year Video

It’s great that I get to capture the photos and Jenni captures the videos of our kids. I enjoy the videos she puts together each year for our kids. We learn a lot from watching movie commentaries and it’s great to apply that knowledge for our kids. Without further adieu, here’s Violet’s 2nd year video!


Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

One recent morning when I wasn’t feeling well, Kadie said, “We could go to your room. You should do your exercises.”


Happy Birthday Kadence!

Kadie blowing out her birthday candleToday is not only a celebration of our daughter’s birthday, but it is also a celebration of all the great friends and family who are involved in her life. It was great joining with people to celebrate her third birthday at the Jantzen beach mall carousel then our house for dinner.


Happy 1st Birthday Violet!

Violet's party at the zoo
I married a great mom. I love it that Jennilyn goes all out for our kids, despite her body pain and sleepless nights, our girls are loved with all her heart. I forget how much she invests herself until we’re up late decorating or putting together the last details—things I would never think or imagine to do.