
Cooing Mr. Incredible

Kadence has started using her voice more. We laid her on a mat with Mr. Incredible and we’re certain she has some very important things to say to him.

Now, if we could only get her to tell us what she wants instead of crying…


Twelve Months of O’ Seven

Twelve Months of 07As we were writing our Christmas letter this evening, our creativity got the best of us. We had our own version of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas,’ appropriately themed around Jenni’s pregnancy.


With The Birth Of A Child, A Mother Is Born

All my life I’ve dreamed of becoming a wife and mother. I confess that when I got out of high school, all I really wanted to do was get married and have a family. But there were no prospects, and I didn’t want to sit around and wait for who knows how long till that happened. So off to college I went and I discovered life after high school was good after all.


Kadence Has Hiccups


Kadence’s Faces

Kadence's Funny Faces


Becoming a Father

It won’t be possible to recount all the events for Kadence’s birth, but I want to remember as much as possible because it was a great testimony of the Lord’s provisions every step of the way.

So if you’re interested in reading further, I’d recommend getting comfortable. I’m about to get loquacious.


Happy Birthday Kadence!

Kadence Lim, 30 minutes after birth, photo by Rachel Jones

We are pleased to introduce our lovely daughter, Kadence Lim! She is so sweet and beautiful. We can’t believe we’re parents now.

She was born October 2nd, 2007 at 1:03pm. She weighed 7 pounds and 7 ounces, and was 19 inches long.

Thank you everyone for their warm wishes and prayers. The Lord carried us through joys and trials. We will have the full scoop on our blog soon!

Kadence coming home, photo by Jack Lim


Nine Months to this Moment

So we’re a little late (8 days, but who’s counting…), but here we go! Thank you all for well wishes and prayers! We’ll give you all an update as soon as we can!


You’ll Know When We Know

Well, what can I say? Baby is still happy and cozy inside me. And so I wait. It used to be that you weren’t considered overdue until after week 42. But these days, it seems people are very concerned when just a few days over my ESTIMATED due date have passed.

41 weeks pregnant

I am grateful for all the people excited for us, and for their calls to check on me. It’s been nice getting all this attention, really. But I’m starting to imagine some odd ball responses to the repeated questions: “Is the baby out yet?” and “What does the doctor say?” To the first, Rachel suggested I say, “My midwife is out of town till next month and so I’m holding out.” To the question “What does the doctor/midwife say?”, I might answer, “She says my blood pressure is really good! 106 over 70.” Or “My urine pH is normal. What else would you like to know?” Or “How was your last doctor visit? What did they say?” Hee hee. Okay, I’m getting a little obnoxious.

Well, I started writing this post two days ago, and now I’m feeling way more anti-social. If you are wondering if you’ve missed a call or a blog post about our baby, you haven’t. I’ve quit answering my phone at this point to keep from explaining the same things over and over again. I’ve been feeling pressured and discouraged, and that kind of stress can impede labor. So, with this blog post, I’m going to let it all go and enjoy a relaxing day with David, and trust that God knows the birth date of our baby, and every detail about him or her as the loving Creator He is.


Positive Sides of Pregnancy

I found the following pregnancy quote in a book, “Crib Notes,” that Jake and Linda gave me:

“If you want to know the feeling [of labor pain], just take your bottom lip and pull it over your head.”
Carol Burnett on Childbirth
U.S. Comedian