
Laughing Machine Gun

Straight to True North

Happily Three Years After

Going into the third year of our marriage, we had major changes that were only a few months away. Six to be exact. We celebrated our second anniversary in China, and our first anniversary at Reno Dance Sensation, which made the expectations for this year very high. Thankfully, each anniversary doesn’t have to top the previous one by how far we travel, but how far God has taken us from the moment we said, “I do.”

Picture This

Umbrellas, Can’t Have Just One…

Kadie goes ZOOM
After purchasing a silver reflective umbrella as recommended by David Hobby of fame, I found that I wasn’t very good at getting the light I wanted for portraits. I guess I’m not as good as visualizing how light will reflect off the umbrella and light my subjects. I began to have second thoughts about which type of umbrella I should have ve bought.

Then I read a post on the strobist web site about how David now uses shoot-through umbrellas exclusively, so I had to get yet another umbrella. But I’m glad I did. The shoot-through umbrella is much more intuitive to use for me.


Kadence @ 6 Months

Kadence @ 6 monthsShe grows up so quick and yet it has felt like six months. Let’s see what she can do now:

  • She bounces and dances in the door jumper.
  • She laughs to funny sounds her mom makes with her lips.
  • She hugs our necks when we hold her tight.
  • She squeals and chirps to tell us what she thinks.
  • She has two cute teeth she won’t let you see. Instead she shows off her tongue.
  • She shows her two cute teeth as consolation prizes when she cries.
  • She grabs our face when we hold her close.
  • She doesn’t want to go to bed just like her daddy.
  • She likes to suck in her lower lip and let her drool waterfall.
  • She sucks loudly on her pacifier, whichever end she gets in her mouth.
  • She discovers her appendages everyday, and they are remarkable to her.
Straight to True North

Never Better – We’ll see you again Bob Potter

My heart is full of thoughts waiting to burst out.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place were I am going.”

Straight to True North

Dear David

I love being with you everyday. Whether we’re creating a project together, doing laundry, grocery shopping, dancing, or taking care of Kadie together. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, I’m so glad it’s you I get to do it with. Thank you for taking time to be one with me. Thank you for desiring to be the kind of father to Kadie that God has in mind for you. Thank you for making us both laugh. Thank you for holding us both when we cry. Thank you for being so patient with me when I don’t have the energy to take care of the house, or Kadie. Thank you for cooking and cleaning when I need you to. Thank you for changing Kadie’s diapers. Thank you for going to work everyday to provide for us as the Lord has provided your blessing of a job. Thank you for listening to my hopes and dreams and encouraging me to try new things. Thank you for praying with me and for me. I hope you know how special you are to me.

In love with you,


Daily Rice and Chicken

Jane Austen – I’m A Fan

“Captain Harville, though not equaling Captain Wentworth in manners, was a perfect gentleman, unaffected, warm, and obliging. Mrs Harville, a degree less polished than her husband, seemed, however, to have the same good feelings; and nothing could be more pleasant than their desire of considering the whole party as friends of their own, because the friends of Captain Wentworth, or more kindly hospitable than their entreaties for their all promising to dine with them. The dinner, already ordered at the inn, was at last, though unwillingly, accepted as a excuse; but they seemed almost hurt that Captain Wentworth should have brought any such party to Lyme, without considering it as a thing of course that they should dine with them.

“There was so much attachment to Captain Wentworth in all this, and such a bewitching charm in a degree of hospitality so uncommon, so unlike the usual style of give-and-take invitations…

“On quitting the Cobb, they all went in-doors with their new friends, and found rooms so small as none but those who invite from the heart could think capable of accommodating so many.” – Persuasion

I wish I knew the Harvilles. I find myself identifying with them because of having a small home, and I’m always happiest when it is packed with the people near and dear to me.

Picture This

Lewis River Adventure

Lewis River by Lucia FallsI’ve often been fascinated by how photographers get pictures of oceans and waterfalls where the water is soft and stream-like. I eventually learned that letting the camera shutter lag will produce the effect and I was able to reproduce it when the opportunity arose.

Then I wondered how people got really soft effects and found out that there was a lens filter that that reduced the amount of light going into the camera. Normally, most photographers are trying to get more light in, but this was an exception.

After a few paid photography jobs, I had some money to spend on new stuff. In addition to a flash, umbrella, and light stand, I picked up a neutral density filter. Jenni’s favorite place is Lucia Falls, and the filter would calm the waters (at least photographically) for a peaceful setting.


Bouncing Baby: The Parent’s Extended Cut Special Edition

The previous video was too short. Watching her bounce is too much fun to watch just once.


The Bouncing Baby

While we were on a photo job, there was an seven-month-old boy having a blast on a door jumper. I couldn’t help but smile watching him just bounce himself silly. We received a door jumper from a friend of a friend before Kadie was born. Seeing the door jumper in action reminded us of ours, so we got it out of the closet and spent an hour smiling at Kadie bouncing around in circles.