Clearing the Cache

Cory and Arianne

Cory and Arianne
I first met Jenni’s brother Cory after he came back from swimming. It was my first time at Jenni’s parents’ Battle Ground home and I was waiting in the living room for Jennilyn when Cory came through the front door. He offered me a friendly introduction before heading off to clean up. Before Jenni and I headed off to the backyard, he came back out shirtless and I took notice how muscular he was. “Better not mess with Jennilyn,” I thought to myself.

Clearing the Cache

Our Own Pleasantville

Our Pleasanton Home
Color us blissfully broke, but we’ve moved into a house! Our realtor Ashley, pictured above, found this house on Craigslist as a for-sale-by-owner. The moment I stepped into the house, I had a gut feeling that Jenni would like it, and as we toured the house, the feeling only grew stronger.

Clearing the Cache

House Buying Tools

We made an offer on a house today! When our realtor called us last night that the seller verbally accepted our offer, it sounded like she was more excited than we were. I think we were excited as well, but it’s almost unreal. We bought a house

Clearing the Cache

We’ve Moved!

If you’re a frequent visitor of our little blog, you would’ve noticed some downtime this last week. Our computer had been overheating (c’mon, you’re only one year old…), so I had started turning it off at nights. Then it still had heating issues, so we had been shutting it off during the day. Which meant our blog wasn’t available.

Clearing the Cache

God’s Valentine

I remember dreading Valentine’s day because I didn’t have someone to share it with. I would daydream about what it would be like. Then after being in my first relationship, I dreaded Valentine’s day even more because of the unrealistic expectations I had brainwashed myself into from the media. The special day of love was almost on the order of orchestrating the night I would propose. And it was annually.

Clearing the Cache

What’s in a Name?

David: Hey, guess what utility I found on today?

Jenni: What?

David: Fart!

Jenni: Pffff… hehe. really? What does it do?

David: Fart. Find and replace text.

Jenni rolled her eyes.

Clearing the Cache

Heartattack Hill

There’s a funny section of road by Jennilyn’s parents house in Battle Ground. It’s a big dip in the road unlike any I’ve ever seen. Big enough that the sign preceding it is, quite simply, a lie. It’s not a dip—it’s an acute “V” in the road.

Clearing the Cache

Christmas in Battle Ground

Kadence's First ChristmasWe hope everyone had a splendid Christmas! We drove up to Battle Ground a few days before Christmas to spend time with Jennilyn’s family. Her brother Rex was in town from New York for a week, so it was great having the Hill family all reunited. And of course, it was be Kadence’s first Christmas, so we were excited to include her into our Christmas traditions.

Clearing the Cache

The Talk

“Kadie, I think it’s time we had the talk,” as I sat my daughter on our Goodwill-special sofa. She looked at me naively with big curious eyes as I settled on the ottoman across from her.

Clearing the Cache

Tricks and Treats from Kadence

Happy Halloween!