Well, what can I say? Baby is still happy and cozy inside me. And so I wait. It used to be that you weren’t considered overdue until after week 42. But these days, it seems people are very concerned when just a few days over my ESTIMATED due date have passed.
I am grateful for all the people excited for us, and for their calls to check on me. It’s been nice getting all this attention, really. But I’m starting to imagine some odd ball responses to the repeated questions: “Is the baby out yet?” and “What does the doctor say?” To the first, Rachel suggested I say, “My midwife is out of town till next month and so I’m holding out.” To the question “What does the doctor/midwife say?”, I might answer, “She says my blood pressure is really good! 106 over 70.” Or “My urine pH is normal. What else would you like to know?” Or “How was your last doctor visit? What did they say?” Hee hee. Okay, I’m getting a little obnoxious.
Well, I started writing this post two days ago, and now I’m feeling way more anti-social. If you are wondering if you’ve missed a call or a blog post about our baby, you haven’t. I’ve quit answering my phone at this point to keep from explaining the same things over and over again. I’ve been feeling pressured and discouraged, and that kind of stress can impede labor. So, with this blog post, I’m going to let it all go and enjoy a relaxing day with David, and trust that God knows the birth date of our baby, and every detail about him or her as the loving Creator He is.