Straight to True North

Happily Twelve Years After



We dropped the kids off with Jenni’s parents in Washington then drove to Sunriver through the Mt Hood route. The sun had set before we got to the mountain and made the entire drive dark. We arrived in four hours, only making two stops: once to try to stop a rattling sound in our gear and another, a bio-break at a casino.

During our drive, we reminisced about our marriage, told each other what we were grateful in each other, and explored conversations that are best uninterrupted by our children’s darling requests.

Straight to True North

America, Lift Your Head Up!

“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.” – John F. Kennedy

I am believing America is still a safe place to share differing opinions. The following post is an exploration of my changing opinions. Read on if you wish to ponder with me.

Straight to True North

Happily Eleven Years After

For our eleventh anniversary, we enjoyed a date weekend together exploring Cathedral Park and the St. John’s bridge. Jenni and I were experimenting with video features of our new camera and sound equipment. Recording good quality video and audio with a SLR camera is much more complicated than I thought. But we enjoyed learning new things as we recorded ourselves answering trivia questions.

We walked across the St. John’s bridge and added it to the list of bridges we’ve crossed together. We hope to walk across all of Portland pedestrian bridges.

  • Hawthorne Bridge
  • St. John’s Bridge
  • Steel Bridge
  • Tilikum Crossing
  • Morrison Bridge
  • Ross Island Bridge
  • Sellwood Bridge
  • Burnside Bridge
  • Broadway Bridge

See photos from St. John’s Bridge

Straight to True North

Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary Together

I remembered that the most important part of our wedding to Jenni was not her dress, not the venue, not the cake, and not the ring—it was the people. When she told me that, I found myself astonished by her heart.

I’m thankful that a decade later, our celebration included people at its center. Our anniversary would not be complete without spending time with those who have supported us for the past ten years. What a great gift to have nearly everyone in our original wedding party and our closest friends and family join us in a reunion.

Straight to True North

Happy Mother’s Day!

I discovered a wonderful storytelling app for the iPad, Adobe Voice, which allowed us to quickly put together our Mother’s Day sentiments this year. I highly recommend trying it out if you have an iPad and a desire to tell stories. Check out the two we created.

Straight to True North

Happily Nine Years After

For our ninth chapter of our “happily ever after,” we embarked on two health challenges, one ongoing kitchen remodel, and one career milestone.

Straight to True North

Happily Eight Years After

Though I wasn’t quite as surprised as my dad was that Jenni and I were celebrating our eighth wedding anniversary, I felt the growth of eight years of learning how to live out our love since the magical day. There were two things that Jennilyn did this year that stood out for me.

Straight to True North

Getting Stronger

Recently, I posted the following on facebook: Air hugs are just as irksomely incomplete as playing only 7 notes of a major scale. Stay well everyone! Get rest, go exercise, stress less, pray more, laugh more, and of course…eat your veggies!

While this comment is referring to getting a cold this week, my family’s overall progress in health has been something I am so thankful for this year.

Here is a synopsis of what has been going on this past year:

Straight to True North

Happily Seven Years After

Seven years and three kids later, I’m more thankful than ever that I said, “I do” at the altar. For all my imagining and dreaming, I couldn’t have come up with the life I have now—it’s so much better.

Straight to True North

Hear Our Prayer, O Lord

Dear God,

Thank you for being a good God, for even when you allow strife in our lives, you use it for your good and perfect will for us. God, be our strength, for I am so weak. Guide us in your wisdom. Please have mercy on us and give us your healing power. We need your love to glue our family together when the stress of our circumstances can easily create a gaping hole. Give us your grace to be gracious with our children and each other when we are exhausted and depleted. Fill us with your life and let us serve you faithfully everyday.

Lord, let me be ever so thankful in my heart. Thank you for the gifts you’ve given me in my husband and children. Thank you for the precious time with them that you give to me. Help me not to take them for granted; especially my David. What an exceptional man you’ve given me! Wanting to marry me even though we didn’t know the future, or how much of a wife I could be to him as I was bedridden much of the time. How far we’ve come, and how much we’ve gone through in the past seven years… in the past several months! You’ve got our attention, Lord. We wait with expectant hearts as to what you will do, and what we will hopefully mature in.

Thank you, God, for giving much joy and happiness in our marriage these past seven years, and I pray for us to keep walking closer to you and to each other in whatever time you give us together on this earth.

In the name of Christ Jesus, I pray these things,
Amen, let it be done.